7/7/22 Live chat Q&A
Betsy in Stuart, FL asks: Is the Nerve Support by Good Herbs to only supplement I might use for nerve damage? I know chiropractic is limited in this case of a neck injury and I am on the 90 EN plus glucogel but progress is slow. Would it be beneficial to take Killer Biotic in case there is a secondary infection, and if so, how much? Thank you kindly.
Good morning Doc; Can you give us a brief on what you know about using methylene blue (USP Grade) internally? I've heard bits and pieces on some wonderful health benefits it provides. Thank you.
- Paul fm Fredericksburg - Also, is that Hypericum Perforatum also known as St. John's wort?
Hi Doc! Ken B. here. Per your recommendations, I'm taking i26 for leaky gut. I'm 192lbs and had been taking 3 scoops of i26 per day. Your suggestions on dosage would be appreciated. Appreciate all you do.
Nate in Pasadena - What are your thoughts on Ultimate Classic? It seems to be an attempt to combine BTT, Plant Derived Minerals and a little Osteo. It was mentioned to me as a less expensive alternative.
Do you know anything about the new hip surgery which puts spacers between the ball joint and the hip bone instead of completely replacing the complete hip?
When someone refuses to take BTT because of taste, what is our next best recommendations to get vitamins and minerals...ultimate classic, Ultra Body Toddy, Tropical Plus?
Maria from Chula Vista Ca. I had Covid and was in the hospital for 7 months my husband was told I would not make it, but praise the Lord and the victims and mineral i took I am doing great. I’m when I left the hospital I was told I had pulmonary fibrosis I contact Drn I contacted dr Wallach’s wife Millán and I took a slew of vitamin and mineral . I am doing great now I don’t believe I need a lung transplant as I was told by my pulmonary Nurse practitioner.
The BTT 2.0 tablets have about 12 mg of trace minerals in them compared to the powder at 300 and the liquid plant minerals at 600 By the way, we all appreciate all you do!
I have found that swallowing the BTT tablets with a mouthful of completely chewn food makes the task a breeze! :o)
Hi—it’s Judy. I asked this before but the chat recording was accidentally deleted and I need the info again please. 35-yr-old daughter of a friend has suffered from anxiety and depression most of her life which has led to alcoholism. Recently she tried to commit suicide. Her drs are evaluating and watching her. She feels worthless and is always down on herself. Meantime, she’s pretty and brilliant and talented and likable. Makes me wonder if her problem is due to how brilliant she is. Do you have any ideas? I want so much to help her and her family. Thank you!
Linda A here...moved from Hawaii to Nevada to Homosassa FL...yay for humidity! I have a client who has wet macular degeneration. What is the difference between wet and dry and what can she hope to achieve with supplements? I have her on everything recommended in prior chats and webinar.
Im sorry it was for 7 weeks that I was in the hospital is there something I can continue to take?
Thank you Doc I took the 2nd out of the 3rd missed Sunday dose of Medorrhinum for curing my slow healing cellulitis at my lower left eyelid. The doses helped very much. But the slow healing cellulitis wound/conjunctivitis at my lower eyelid is not completely gone. Should I take another dose of Medorrhinum this coming Sunday or not? Appreciate your thoughts on this....
Judyjudyjudy again…. Wallach says the Healthy Brain and Heart Pack is better than the Foundation Pack because it has 215 nutrients as opposed to 90. I’m taking the Foundation (main concern is diabetes) and this makes me wonder if I need the Brain & Heart instead. Also he is opposed to air frying. I think you’re ok with that?