6/28/22 Live Chat Q&A

1. Is the Youngevity Sleepeze effective at helping a normal person fall into deeper and better sleep? Is there any other option to aid restful sleep? 2. What's your advice to individuals whose love and affections are unreciprocated and unrequited and they just can't seem to move on?



Hello Dr Glidden, so glad you’re back at normal meeting time for us Aussies! I have a lot of customers waiting in line for your wonderful advice, so I’ll get straight into it. We have a 3 year old who has Neurofibromatoses. It is behind her eye. Her grandfather contacted me as he was asking if we have anything that could help stimulate appetite in the little one. He said she eats very little and when she does eat her mother gives her processed food. What would you recommend for appetite stimulation and the Neurofibromatoses please?  

We have a customer asking on behalf of a friend whose head moves from side to side when he talks, but when he is sitting still it doesn’t move. He is a ju-jitsu teacher and our customer said he notices the man has no head movement when he is doing the class moves, but when he stops he has a left to right motion with his head. What do you think could be causing this?
Which of the Youngevity prostate products do you think is best – the ProstFX, the Prostat or the Good Herbs Prostate Health? 
We have 2 customers who had a protocol mapped out by Dr Wallach for their conditions. Dr Wallach recommended they take body weight dosage of the various supplements. One man is taking 3 Brain and Heart Packs along with several other supplements. The other man is taking 2 Brain and Heart packs along with several other supplements. Both men have developed quite a lot of pain since starting the program. One of the men has reduced kidney function (about 20%) and he has developed severe pain in his kidney area such that he has stopped taking the supplements. The other man has multiple issues around the body but he has developed aches and tenderness in his shoulders and back. I have had other customers with multiple co-morbidities in the past who were put on body weight dosage of supplements and had very bad reactions. One lady was so frightened by how unwell she felt she checked herself into hospital and would never resume the supplement program. I’m guessing these people are going into a big detox very quickly from the high dosages of these mineral based supplements? What are your thoughts on how people should deal with these kind of responses please?
We have another lady who has the following health issues: “-I have had two spontaneous pneumothorax's. The last one collapsed to 90% and they performed a pleurodesis surgery to prevent further collapses. That was in Dec 2017 that has really knocked me around, I still experience some pain from that surgery even now.
-I also contracted Typhoid when I lived in India in 2010
-Have had EBV and CMV
-Hyper mobility
-I had a burst ovarian cyst earlier this year
-I have had adrenal fatigue (which has mostly healed now)
-My neutrophil levels are regularly low (sitting between 1.2 - 1.5 normally)
-My IgA is regularly elevated (the last test it was at 4.7)
-My DHEAS is also elevated (last test results 11.9)
-My SHBG was also elevated (last test result 199)
-I also had a amalgam filling leak causing some mercury toxicity and when the dentist was working on my teeth, she could see white dots indicating mineral deficiency. (which I found so fascinating)
Something to note too.... I do have sensitivities to gluten, dairy, spices, anything artificial or with preservatives, tap water (everything gets filtered now including the shower) and sugar. I eat as clean and as balanced as I can. I try and eat as much nutrients as possible and I changed to eating as much organic food as possible a couple of years ago.” What would you recommend for this lady please?

We have a family needing your guidance please:
1. Kate: W: 70kgs, H: 5.2 foot A: 77yrs
For over several years Mum was told she had a cyst in her lungs. However, a recent bronchoscopy reveals it to be a aspergillosis mould ball.
Mum was on anti fungal drug for 4 weeks from Feb 2022 to March 2022. Mum discontinued it's use after suffering a rash which she believes is from this drug. Originally this drug reduced the mould ball slightly.
However, an appointment yesterday reveals the mould ball has grown from 28mm to 32mm. The two options were either more antifungal drugs or key hole surgery to remove the ball with subsequent five day stay in hospital.
Are you able to advise any supportive products for Mum?
(Note: mum is on blood thinners as during her bronchoscopy her heart rate spiked on two occasions; no diabetes; previous history of breast cancer , glaucoma being treated).
(Note: Extra careful regarding fungal meds because Dad passed away from methotrexate toxicity due to prescription error. Dad was only on the tablets for 5 days and this why we are so careful.)
2. Kristy W: 45kgs, H: 4.8 foot, Age: 40 years
A recent eye examination conducted by our local ophthalmologist stated that my sister has closed angle glaucoma in which she needs laser iridology surgery. Is there any suggestions for eye health.
Also suffers from severe osteopenia on hip and the lumbar spine region and low ferritin levels.
3. Amanda: W: 48kgs, H: 4.8 foot, Age: 4Oyrs
a) A recent review CT reveals a lung cavity (14mm) which has not changed in size for over 10 months. Slight increase in pleural thickening and localised bronciotasis (see attached). No known history of TB or pneumonia but had lung collapse as infant; 3 months premature. Main symptom whistling when breathing.
b) Osteopenia of the lumbar spine and left hip socket.
c) Bladder issue of several years, most significantly at night time. Get up 3-4 times a night as bladder seems to feel unempty most of the time. Could be weakened pelvic floor muscles or nerve issue?
e) Glaucoma being treated with drops


Dr G, My girlfriend tried the homeopathic Thuja for lichen simplex chronicus on her right foot but it did not help. Any other suggestions? PS. When someone loses weight, what part of the body does the weight come from?


Good evening Doc; Welcome back from your scenic travels. My question is from a gentleman who is 74, in good health, off all prescription meds, and fairly well nutrified. He lately has experienced night sweats where his pillow is soaked in the morning, and he has what appears to be swollen lymph nodes on his neck (his grown daughter said one swelling was about the size of her palm). What could cause this & what would you recommend to relieve this? Thank you... Paul fm Fredericksburg. The gent is Pastor Hal who works with Pastor Ernie on WRWL in Ohio


at from North Royalton - Welcome back! I heard your interview with Mike Filip and your experience in Italy cracked me up. I've longed for that trip being Italian, but have no plans on getting jabbed, now I don't feel so bad about it. I referred you to several people, I hope they join us today and become a member. Thanks again for all you do! OK Question: my daughter was jabbed in November and has been sick with cold/flu like symptoms. throat hurts, ears hurt, congestion, tired.... anything she can take to help. So sad!

Pat again, I'm asking for a friend who has a terrible skin rash on her leg since 2016. Docs have no answer. She did get COVID and they almost killed he in the hospital - She actually walked out of the hospital after receiving the killing protocol! Anyway, she did get jabbed (to take a trip to Italy (lol) (she loved Italy). Do you have a recommendation for her terrible skin rash knowing she's jabbed knowing she had COVID. (I didn't know if that made a difference). Thanks ! Your the best!!


Nate in Pasadena - Welcome back! Have someone who had stage 5 kidney failure, caught in time, now in stage 3b. (Caused by interactions with Parkinson's drugs and prostate enlargement drugs.) Will have a "trans urethral resection of the prostate (TURP)" in a week or two to relieve stress on the kidneys to allow them to heal further. Also, blood is iron poor. Plan to send several bottles of Plant Minerals. Any other recommendations pre-surgery (if possible), post-surgery, general?


Dwayne from Tennessee, Doc following up from our call today. I failed to mention in addition to all my intestinal issues I have been experiencing memory loss. I forget names and words in conversation and suffer recall of recent conversations. Just something that's been happening for 2-3 months.


Greetings Dr. G! Mike from Sarasota here! Why do you fell the need to go on vacation when you already live in Paradise?! Welcome back! Q #1: Over the past 6 months or so I've mentioned to you that I had rather sudden vision loss in my right eye. I wasn't sure exactly what i was battling, but it turns out that it is simply a growing cataract. Last November I had my eyes checked at received a report of -3.25 diopters in my right eye with a cataract. Now, last week I went back in for another eye exam and my eye doctor said that the cataract has really grown(no cataract in the left eye, perfect 20/20 in the left eye). My reading was now at -6.25 and that eye glasses would not work well and recommends I check out cataract surgery. This all happened in less than 1 year. So, I am determined to beat this thing and believe it can be done naturally. I'm checking out MSM drops, DSMO, Astaxanthin. Even castor oil has helped a few. I'am also following some of the ideas from the Bate's method as William Bates claimed cataracts were easy to heal naturally. What do you think doc? By teh way, my right eye is perfectly healthy, except for the cataract. The eye doctor felt that the cataract was the only reason now for the blurry vision Thanks for your help.


Hi Doc! Welcome home! Flipdaddy here! Seven years now on the 90 For life and off the "Ten" bad foods... not the twelve yet. Recently noticed cloudy urine every so often and actually most of the day the other day. I drink maybe a half-gallon of water every day.


Hey Doc! A big thank you for recommending the homeopathic for the bump underneath the base of my tongue, it worked great, it’s not going 100% but I’d say about 98%, thank you! Also wanted to ask your thoughts on some discomfort I’ve been feeling and what I believe to be the area of my right kidney, sort of a slight discomfort, sometimes more on the back sometimes more along the side, definitely not constant, there are times when it goes away and then times when I feel the slight discomfort again. Can you recommend certain course of action? Is there a certain type of scan I should get?


Hey Doc, would you please share the link to the childhood vacines information. What to do instead of mainstream vacines. What about seasonal allergies suggestions, any organic apothecary therapies for them?

Live Q&APeter Glidden