9/20/22 Live Chat Q&A
1. If the body temperature rises above 37⁰C, it is fighting an infection of sorts. What's the case when the temperature falls below 37⁰C? 2. What does it mean when MD tells somebody they don't have enough cholesterol? I know you said we don't have to worry about too much cholesterol? What about not enough cholesterol? Final question. What's the protocol for somebody that has severe blood issues (subpar red blood cells, subpar hemoglobin, subpar hematocrit, subpar mean corpuscular volume) especially after childbirth? She is also diagnosed with uterine fibroids. Is that the same as fibromyalgia?
Hello Dr Glidden,
Firstly, I want to thank you for your recommendation of 2 types of homeopathic pellets for pain relief with my Pterygium removal operation. I had no pain and no need to take the prescribed heavy duty painkillers from the doctor. It was awesome! Thank you so much! A friend is asking me if her daughter could use the same protocol for when she has all her teeth removed? You recommended Bellis Perenis 200c and Hypericum Perforatum 200c. I have a customer who recently started on the 90 nutrients, Plant Derived Minerals and Selenium. He says his first bowel motion of the day is quite liquid and he’s experiencing a lot of gassiness. He also has a small amount of fresh blood in his motions. What are your thoughts on this please? I have another customer who was taking the Goji juice at about 60mls per day and both he and his wife developed blocked ears within a few days. Any thoughts on why this might have occurred?
I've had edema for slightly over a year now. I've had it during convalescence from covid and still do. Left leg is slightly swollen and there still is discoloration around the ankle (brownish with some red in it) It is less swollen now than a year ago. I also feel pressure on my chest preventing me to take a full deep breath and I think these 2 occurrences may be related because they appeared together at the same time.
I feel I have something wedged in my chest just below the throat in between the manubrium and the sternum (closer to the manubrium). The Ceanothus 12X did help somewhat with that. I ate lots of protein, but this did not cure the edema. You prescribed for me Ceanothus 12X 3 Times per day for 14 days and this did help somewhat. You prescribed Bryonia 200 ck strength and this did not help. In fact it made it worse and then I stopped it after 3 days. You prescribed Arsenicum Album 30 c strength and this did not work. What else should I do Doctor?
Dr. Glidden I received the 4 supplements you sent to me for my Pituitary gland. However, I forgot the dosages and durations. Can you give them to me. I am 184lb and 68 years old and diabetic . PITUITROPHIN PMG by Standard Process, - LICORICE ROOT EXTRACT by Biomatrix, - PITU-P 3C by I&E Organics, - PEARL (light) 5X or GURUDAS GEM ESSENCE by I &E Organics Gary in Houston.
Hello - My sister thought she had a bladder infection for 2 weeks but no infection was found at the doctor. By the third week, she had a constant urge to go but could not fully empty her bladder. She now has a stabbing / aching pain in pelvic area on left & right sides & where the urine eliminates from the body. It gets worse after dinner and into the night. Could this be interstitial cystitis? Or what could it be?
i followed your video for tinnitus for 90 days i also added selenium d3 and zradical i am 240 pounds i used dosage for a 300 pound person i have no results is there something elese i can do
Greetings Dr. G! Mike from Sarasota here. I see the Vikings laid another egg last night on national tv! My, my! How are you doing doc? Q#1) My wife became ill this past Friday. She was vomiting day and night for 3 days. Nothing ever came up since she couldn't eat. It was awful. Starting yesterday, she was slowly able to eat and today is doing much better with no stomach issues. Is there anything going around that could describe what I just detailed? My wife lost 10 pounds in the past week. She is keeping hydrated and finally doing well. No frost warnings for Florida yet. Thanks again doc.
A friends little boy is having trouble sleeping durning full moon and no moon. Could this be a physical issues and is there a remedy?
I take Kidney and bladder, Heart and Circulation for high BP, I have also been on the 90 EN for almost 3 months. BP is usually lowest in the morning around 7 am. I also take one Amlodipine 10 mg 1/day. I do not always have the chance to measure BP at 12:00, I noticed that when I do measure in the am about 7 am – it is 110/86; 117/88 etc.; however, when I measure it around 10 am with or without meds it will go up to 142/88; 148/91 etc. What is happening? I want to take the osteo FX liquid or powder, however, my stomach hurts when I take half a tablespoon. Do I need to divide again to ½ tablespoon? Jen NC
Dr. Peter McCullough claims shedding is not an issue with the Covid shot. I believe you said it IS an issue.
Good evening Dr. any update on the NSF certification process? I noticed is only on the OsteoFx powder but not on the liquid. I personally prefer the powder but if it comes down to it I can start buying the liquid instead. What are your thoughts on supplementing myself and kids with nascent Iodine
This is SuzyQ 1.What are your thoughts on Farm-fresh egg shells ground and put into a smoothie for a calcium supplement. 2. What do you think of Puregest Premium Natural Progesterone cream for hot flashes. I have had a hysterectomy many years ago. Is this safe? It seems to be helping with stopping the hot-flashes. The ground egg shells idea was given to me from a Natuopathic Dr. I am looking for a Dr. to help with my foot issues from the failed ozone therapy. Who would you suggest I go to as I am not getting relief as of yet and I didn't get the directions on the magnesia phosphorica 30c. that you gave me the other day.
Her child is a couple years old and ever since the birth, she's had blood issues. Does she need to have an acute appointment with you to figure out how to deal with her blood issue and fibroids issue? Btw, MDs told her that her fibroids are a natural byproduct of aging and she shouldn't worry about that and they also don't know the cause of it. what shoud she focus on apart from the 90?
Henry Doc! Haven’t heard you recommend ultimate daily classic recently - I remember it used to be the go-to for BP, circulation issues, (?) Can you bring me up to speed on the ultimate daily classic? Thanks!
Dr g. There are four supplements PMG. LICORICE ROOT EXTRACT. PITU P 3C. And pearl. You just gave three. Gary
Michelle Busath, Fair Oaks, California, across the river from Rancho Cordova. I have a GREAT testimonial. You are treating my friend for Kidney Disease. Since beginning her protocol, her tinnitus is GONE! Amazing. Working on healing the Kidneys, and the ears benefit. Just thought you would love to hear, LOL
Also, she is halfway through your book "Everybody Is Sick And I Know Why". She is absolutely appalled. Until she began reading your book, she thought I was a Conspiracy Theorist. Lol. Another friend has Awakened. BTW, it's Mary Claire Kehr Kudos!
In addition, is it true that viruses like chicken pox, Covid etc. stay in the body dormant and inactive after the body has produced antibodies? Is there any herb or colloidal silver compound that can kill these kind of viruses? Good Evening, Will regular exercise help or hurt someone who is experiencing adrenal fatigue?
In addition, is it true that viruses like chicken pox, Covid etc. stay in the body dormant and inactive after the body has produced antibodies? Is there any herb or colloidal silver compound that can kill these kind of viruses? Good Evening, Will regular exercise help or hurt someone who is experiencing adrenal fatigue?
Hey Doc Rosita's Cod Liver Oil says start with three per day. How do we determine when to increase the dosage? What is it we look for?
So you think an MRI would not be a good idea for my foot issue, Dr. Glidden?
Mentioned of here in NY the land of no Naturopathic Doctors, the idea of Functional Medicine practitioner.. I remember what you said on it ,,, still it would seem useful to see what they would have to say as a way to substitute out of Tirosint, which the endocrine spclst said is doing a better job of keeping hypo Levels better on. thyroid.. supposedly theres way to get it done with natural and not have to take the road meds?