1/13/22 Live Chat Q&A


Michelle Busath, Fair Oaks, California Thanks for ALL you do for Mankind and our loved ones! Mom is in Hospital with Lung Embolisms, 83 years old, 2 jabs, lung disease prior to jabs ladt year. Coerced. My brother interferes with her Supplements. He calls it Voodoo Medicine. (MORON) SORRY Should we just follow Bothrops Protocol? She has a Home Health Nurse who come directly from a POOR Pradesh in India, thank God.


Hello Doc. New Subscriber and very glad I have found you. I am 49 and have had achilles tenden heel spur issues for many years. Went to the doctor a few years ago and they said I have calcium build up on the tendon and the only remedy was to cut the tendon file down the calcium and reattach the tendon. Any suggestions to fix the issue without surgery.


Hello Dr. Glidden, Rachel from Baltimore here. Update: Since I stopped the pulsatilla for the aconitum napellus this past Tuesday, the edge has been taken off the overwhelming anxiety. I took it Wednesday morning and afternoon when I felt it creep up. I slept through the night Tuesday night but Wednesday night was fitful. The progress with the nasal congestion has not regressed. It has maintained its fluctuating somewhat cleared up to cleared up status. 1) Where do we go from here with treatment?
2) A friend sent me a video with a doctor named Michael Palmer talking about the toxicity of mrna vaccines and it causing lymphocytes and monocytes to attack the lungs and killing airways ...would this matter or change how you treat my lung/breathing issues or should I just stop entertaining what people send me who are trying to be helpful(lol)?
3) What can I do about the deep depression? I have not been my happy self for 6 months? I don't want to take time away from doing the remedies that will resolve my physical ailments but I thought I would ask...

Will being pregnant slow the healing process.


Hi Dr G - do you think that adding a copper supplement to the supplement regime of an immune-compromised person is a good idea? One more question: have you added your treatment protocol and your thoughts after having cvd to the website? Thanks in advance.


are you still planning on doing a webinar on Homeopathy?....thanks...Shirley


Kevin From Port Huron Hi Dr G My cataract is about the same. Unfortunately, I ran out of Sulphur 30c and had to go down to Detroit 3 days later to pick up more. How long can I stay on the protocol if I have gradual improvement? Thanks for your wisdom!


Hi Dr. Glidden! My 4 year old girl is on the smaller side to begin with. She is active and eats pretty healthy for her age. She randomly dropped 4 lbs in 2 weeks. Anything you could think of that would cause this? Any ideas on healthy ways to help her gain it back?


Pat from N Royalton - what is your opinion of hair analyst for for mineral levels and heavy metal levels. Does your office have it available?


Hello! How do I respond to clients who are currently on the 90, but have had bloodwork and have been told that their B levels are too high or their calcium is too high?


What is the treatment for nerve damage from a neck injury resulting in tingling hands and fingers? Thank you!


Greetings Doc: A point of little-known trivia is the original $1,000 bill featured Alexander Hamilton on the front. But he, being on more than one was destined to cause confusion, so they changed it in 1928.


B and I medical imaging doesn't do echocardiograms. They suggested. another cardiologist There are 2 health groups in this city. Should I get a second opinion from the other group?

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