10/6/22 Live Chat Q&A

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What is your opinion on root canal procedures to 'save' a (vs extraction)? I've been evaluated by my regular dentist and the assessment is a root canal is required. To evaluate the endodontist will use Cone Beam Computed Tomography ( CBCT ) is a technique that produces undistorted three-dimensional digital imaging of the teeth and their surrounding tissues at reduced cost and with less radiation for the patient than traditional CT scans. More radiation and of the whole head.


Some ND’s have taken the shot?! My friend has a falling bladder due to a hysterectomy. Is that structural? What would you recommend?  What do you recommend for Hashimoto’s. Is Botox for the face beyond terrible?


If its not to busy today I have a few questions. New to the subscription but have followed Dr G and Dr W for several years 1. I heard you say on a video that drinking Tangy is best done through out the day vs all at once, why? 2. Why is the EFA Plus DHA and EPA so much lower than other professional grade Omega products? Thank for your soldering Sam D. Pittsburgh


FALLING not failing is how she described it and she is a nurse. Do you need food b4 the tangy & osteo powder?


Greetings Doc; Welcome to October (you said August :o) What can you recommend for periods of extreme tiredness in the middle of the afternoon (no meals involved, even before tiredness set in)? It seems to be since the loss of, not only my daughter, but also a dear lady (in Michigan, my old home state) a few weeks ago in September, who was like a second Mom to me, whom I have known for about 54 years. Thank you... Paul fm Fredericksburg


Michelle Busath, Fair Oaks, California. Hello Dr. G! New client, Type II Diabetes on Insulin for 5 years. What is the possibility of getting off insulin after beginning the 90EN? Still learning about this. I read your book Attempt A Cure With Wholistic Medicine. Just don't know if the pancreas becomes lazy, like the Thyroid after taking Synthroid for years. BTW, at my Medicare Wellness Visit on Monday, my Primary Doctor confirmed I'm OFF ALL my Rx medications, except for Insulin for Type 1 Diabetes. So, since December 2018 I have stopped over 23 Rx medications, a total of 39 pills a day.


i doc! Ken B. here. My wife has been going through the ringer here lately. Yesterday she started having severe pain (9 on a 1-10 scale) in her lower abdomen, accompanied with burning during urination. This was preceded by a Diverticulitis flair up and herpes outbreak in the past two weeks. Thinking her immune response was so beat down that it set her up for this episode. Thinking it may be a bladder infection or UTI. Your thoughts and recommended treatment? Currently treating with Argentyn 23, Super Olive and Killer Biotic in the daily Tangy cocktail. On the 90 and avoiding the 12 bad food.


Good Afternoon, can you tell us what you do for supplements on a daily basis? Thank you.





Can men get a prolapsed bladder? Hi, Betsy from Stuart here. If a person needs glucogel capsules at 1 per 10 pounds of body weight for one problem, do they double the dose if they have 2 problems?


BTW, at my Medicare Wellness Visit on Monday, my Primary Doctor confirmed I'm OFF ALL my Rx medications, except for Insulin for Type 1 Diabetes. So, since December 2018 I have stopped over 23 Rx medications, a total of 39 pills a day.


This is SuzyQ I went to a local Dr. to please my daughter. and they decided I should have to check my kidney function because of the "new supplements!" I felt like rolling on the floor laughing, as I am hoping I can wake a few people up with the results. I went up to get the tests today and they had thyroid tests instead of kidney tests! I told them I would have to talk to the Dr.s office to straighten that out. Thyroid tests have nothing to do with kidney tests, correct? Next question. Anyway the pain after the ultrasound to my throbbing toe, subsided for about 48 hrs and came back. I have not taken the Bella donna 30C but did some research and it said it is related to nightshade which is a type of poison. Is this safe? I appreciate your help! Also, I am taking 1/2 tsp Osteo Fx since it took me 2 weeks to get my normal stools back. How should I proceed with the Osteo FX? That is Osteo FX morning and evening for a start. Sorry, I mean 1/2 TBLSP morning and evening!


Greetings Doc. How do you rate plant derived minerals in capsules versus liquid form? Is there a particular supplement to help someone get into the mental flow state more readily?


Diane from Idaho. To Tangy or not to Tangy - that is my question.

Dietary Counseling through my Carroll blood test states potato should be entirely omitted from your diet, in any form and in any quantity. Who knew potato would be found in most B vitamins, enriched or fortified foods, also, vitamin A palmitate or ascorbyl palmitate. Tangy shows palmitate with the A vitamins - but what about all of the B’s in the list?


Flow is a state of mind that occurs when a person is totally immersed in an activity. It can occur during a wide variety of tasks such as when a person is learning, being creative, or participating in a sport. When in a flow state, people pay no attention to distractions and time seems to pass without any notice.


Can men get a prolapsed bladder too?


What do you think about the bendazole drugs for parasites or nitazanoxinide (sp)? How many projobas do you recommend per day in general.


Hi this is Chris from San Pedro, CA. I am on the StartPack plus Xttra osteo FX and selenium and good herbs for the gall bladder I am on day 6 of taking Utrica Urens for my EXTRMEME Itching caused by my Primary Billary Cirrosis of the Liver. Have lost 8 teeth during covid NOT JABBED I am pray that the EXtreme itdhing will STOP I have dug up my body with scars from itching also have sorjgrens too


How often should a person get their cholesterol checked? I remember you talking about that, but not sure what you meant about cholesterol. That is one other test they wanted to do on the bloodwork.

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